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Recommended Reading

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-Simplicity Parenting - Author Kim John Payne, offers insight into parenting in a rthymical way.

- Beyond the Rainbow - Author Barbara Patterson and Pamela Bradley, offer insight into creating a healthy family lifestyle with helpful tidbits to inspire imagination.

 "It's Ok NOT to Share... and Other Renegade Rules for Raising Competent and Compassionate Kids"  This is a book that many of our teachers have read and not only learned a lot from, but also really enjoyed. Don't be afraid of the title, it's not exactly what you think. We have been using many of these methods in our everyday practices with the children for almost two years now and it really works! The teachers have learned a lot of useful tips about how to work with children and how to build their confidence and compassion. The language is helpful and once you read it, you will definitely feel like a "renegade"! 

Baby Led-Weaning is a teacher recommend read to help your baby feed themselves while they develop motor skills and an adventurous palate!

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