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EEC News - June 2024

Hello EEC Families! 

Firstly, I just wanted to say THANK YOU again from all the teachers for a wonderful teacher appreciation week! We all felt so much love from you and the children! From the pictures, notes, flowers to the food, we are so grateful and honored to be able to care for your little ones!  

This past May was full of sunshine and fun for the kids here at the EEC. We are looking forward to what June has for us!  

On June 7, the EEC will be closed for our Professional Development Day. 


June 14 will be our Preschool Graduation!!! The EEC will close early at 4:00pm so that everyone can come and celebrate! The graduation will be on the sports court at 4:00pm followed by a Puppet Show at 4:30pm with California Fun Kids. There will be a potluck in the MPR for everyone to enjoy and celebrate the end of the school year while making sure we send off our preschool graduates! 

We also want to congratulate the Yen Family on their new addition! Welcome to the world Austin Yen, born on May 17, 2024, at 12:11pm! Emilia is going to be the best big sister!

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