
Are you a resident of the Highlands Recreation District?
Check out something special we have at the pool just for you! Please click here!
May is International Water Safety Month! Summer is almost here, the pool is ready and waiting for you, are you and your children water safe? Drowning is a leading cause of accidental death in the United States, and it is totally preventable! Take time this month to talk to your children about respecting the water. Sign up for a swim lesson here at Highlands or talk to our lifeguards during recreational swim about how important water safety is. On Saturday, May 21st, we will be testing our Lifeguarding Students and demonstrating the skill it takes to be a lifeguard. Please come by and check it out and see what it takes for our lifeguards to become certified. Stay safe out there!
Junior Lifeguarding is Back This Summer!
This summer we are bringing back the Junior Lifeguard program! We will run the program for two weeks. The first will be July 11th through July 15th, and the second will be July 25th through July 29th. The class will run each day from 10am-4pm, with a field trip each Friday. Cost for this program is $195 for residents and $205 for non-residents. The program is for ages 11-14 and must be at least a level 4 swimmer to participate. To register, please click here.
Summer Group Lessons
There are still plenty of group swim lessons available in the morning this Summer! To sign up, visit our website here.
CERT Hands Only CPR Class on June 10!
On Friday, June 10th, from 6pm to 8pm, Highlands CERT will be hosting a “Hands Only” CPR Class that is open to the community! Signups will begin May 1st through the Highlands Recreation District Website. Learn to save a life!