Update From the Interim General Manager

Dear Highlands Community Members,
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve as Interim General Manager of the Highlands Recreation Center over the past few months. Although I learned a lot, I realized this position was not for me. I’ve worked in childcare for the past 24 years and I’m not ready to walk away from it just yet. This was a hard decision because everyone has shown me tremendous support during my time in this role. I am currently working closely with the Board of Directors in an effort to recruit someone who will not only fit in but add value to this great community. In the meantime, I’m happy to help-out as Interim and I’m excited to see the new playground and sports court renovation project through. Thank you again for supporting me and providing me with all the tools to succeed.
Mike Koenig
Interim General Manager
Highlands Recreation District
(650) 341-4251