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Tigers Tales

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Greetings Families,

This past month, the Tiger class has been delving into new artistic mediums. The children have been exploring how to use oil pastels, ink pens, pipe cleaners, and paint in different ways. To further their art exploration, we highlighted some key artists such as Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet, and Andy Warhol.  During these art projects, Tiger students were able to gain inspiration and create their own interpretation of the historical paintings.  They used acrylic paint on canvas, watercolor on paper, and cupcake foils on a paper plate to investigate different textures and colors.  The children were also able to exhibit patience as they designed their step-by-step projects over the course of a few days.  In the future, the Tiger class will spotlight other famous artists like Jackson Pollack, Pablo Picasso, and Vasily Kandinsky to look into other forms of art.

We are so excited to share their new creations with you!

Take care,

The Tiger Team

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