Tiger Tales

Hello EEC Families!
June flew by, and as we say goodbye to old friends, we say hello to new ones. Graduation was so much fun, and we will miss our friends who are graduating and moving on. June has brought in the hot weather! We enjoyed a lot of water play outside, jumping in muddy puddles, fishing in our kiddie pool, and running through the sprinklers. We also explored and cooled down with ice in our sensory bins and even made ice paint that we used outside to decorate our walls.
July will bring more opportunities to explore water play with rain gutters in the sand box. We can use colored water to explore how colors mix, we can figure out how to angle the ramps to get the water to flow faster or slower, and we can see which toys go down the ramps the fastest. This kind of play brings sensory, math, science, and art all together. We will also be welcoming new friends throughout the summer so we will do a lot of name songs and activities to get to know them. Happy Summer everyone!