Tennis Court Update Effective 5/15/2020
Tennis Rules and Regulations
EFFECTIVE 5/15/2020
UPDATED: 7/13/2020
Please follow all rules and regulations. The Tennis Courts will be monitored during this time. The District will close the courts if these rules and regulations are not followed and/or the courts become unsafe. We appreciate your understanding.
- You must make a tennis court reservation by emailing M-F 9-5pm with dates and times you would like to play. Reservation are made on a weekly basis only.
- ·Only Highlands Residents that have purchased HRD Tennis Court Key will be allowed to access the courts.
- Try to stay at least six feet apart from other players. Do not make physical contact with them (such as shaking hands or a high five).
- When playing doubles, coordinate with your partner to maintain physical distancing.
- Use your racquet/foot to pick up balls and hit them to your opponent. Avoid using your hands to pick up the balls.
Please see the Tennis Court Schedule at: