Monkey Moments

Greetings Families,
As most of our Monkeys are getting ready to move on to their preschool class, they have been doing more activities that challenge their fine motor and eye-hand coordination skills. They are building with magnetic tiles, blocks, and nesting cups. Controlling the movement and balancing these items can be very difficult at this age. They are also doing lots of painting, collaging, and coloring. Coordinating the movement of two hands to hold a bowl or paper in place is a skill that typically isn’t mastered until the older toddler stage. Activities with scissors, droppers, and tongs challenge their fine motor skills, using all the muscles in their fingers and hands. All of these skills will help propel them in their preschool years and prepare them for life skills such as toileting, dressing, opening objects, cooking, creating, and writing.
We are positive that they will make even more incredible memories in their new classrooms! In the meantime, having your children practice these skills at home will further assist in their growing independence!
Take care,
The Monkey Team