Monkey Moments

Greetings Monkey Families,
This past month, the Monkey students have been immersed in Fall themed activities. The children started out engaging in a fine motor activity of decorating a pumpkin. The toddlers grabbed fake flowers and stuck them into a foam pumpkin using hand eye coordination and a pincer grasp. The children also used various types of brushes to paint posters and rings brown, orange, red, and yellow. These projects were used as decorations for the classroom. The younger infants were able to make their first art project of a suncatcher pumpkin and use Autumn sensory bags. In addition to fine motor and sensory activities, the Monkeys also jumped and ran across giant pillows to keep warm on cold weather days. We look forward to more cozy Fall days and incorporating the seasonal changes in our curriculum!
Miss Jina, Miss Lia and Miss Nancy