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Activities to Get to Know Your GM

May contain: portrait, photography, person, head, face, shirt, clothing, tree, plant, man, adult, male, smile, happy, vegetation, herbal, herbs, conifer, potted plant, grass, outdoors, and nature

The new General Manager, Jeff “JB” Brier, would like to introduce himself and get to know the Highlands community members. Bring JB on a dog walk with you or join him for a cup of coffee at the Rec!

Dog Walking with JB

Meet JB at the crosswalk just outside the Rec parking lot, with your socialized and friendly dog! Walks can last between 30-45 minutes, and you get to choose the route!

Tuesday, June 13th @ 5:30pm

*There will be a 15 minute window to meet up.

**This activity is weather dependent and will be rescheduled if necessary.


Coffee with JB

Bring your mug and join JB for a cup of coffee in the Multipurpose Room!

Coffee, creamer, and sugar will be provided. Feel free to bring your own specialty mixers!

Tuesday, May 16th @ 7:30am-8:15am

Tuesday, June 20th @ 7:30am-8:15am


Please feel free to reach out to JB with any questions at

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