A Message from the General Manager
Earlier this year, the San Mateo County Department of Emergency Management initiated an update to the 2016 Multijurisdictional Local Hazard Mitigation Plan which is a large regional and cross-jurisdictional effort to plan for the reduction of risk from natural and man-made disasters. The Highlands Recreation District is one of 36 planning partners composed of municipalities and special districts in San Mateo County that are working on the plan update for 2021.
The Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) assesses hazard vulnerabilities and identifies mitigation actions that jurisdictions will pursue to reduce the level of injury, property damage, and community disruption that might otherwise result from such events. Both natural and human-caused hazards are addressed including landslide, wildfire, earthquake, severe weather, flood, drought, wildfire, terrorism, cyber threats, pandemic, and the impact of climate change on hazards. Adoption of the Plan helps the County and the District to remain eligible for various types of pre- and post-disaster community assistance, such as grants, from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the State of California.
There will be an opportunity for public review of the plan between August 5-23, when the County does a media release and posts the information to their website: https://cmo.smcgov.org/multijurisdictional-local-hazard-mitigation-plan . The plan contains two volumes, Volume 1 is the general countywide plan and Volume 2 will contain jurisdictional annexes like the one for the District. There is a public workshop on August 12, 2021 to learn more about the plan. The HRD Board of Directors is scheduled to review the plan and the District’s annex at the regular board meeting on August 10, 2021. At the conclusion of the review period the plan will be sent to Cal OES and FEMA for review and approval.
For more information concerning the LHMP effort and how to participate in the review process, please feel free to email me at generalmanager@highlandsrec.ca.gov.
Derek Schweigart
General Manager