A Message From the General Manager
HRD Open Space and update on the Chamberlain property
The Highlands Recreation District owns approximately 40 acres of unimproved open space that borders properties located on the North side of the Highlands community. As part of its fire mitigation and prevention efforts, the District routinely works with CalFire to conduct fuel reduction in its open space land. In March 2020, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown, the District conducted fuel reduction in its open space in the canyon between Brandywine Rd., Bunker Hill Dr. and Lundy’s Ln.
This year the District and CalFire have scheduled fuel reduction and fire defense activities during several days beginning in late June through July. This will include preparation for the July 3 fireworks festivities in conjunction with the Highlands Community Association and Highlands Elementary School if the event is resumed this year. There is also a plan to maintain the open space fuel break below homes located between Fairfield Ct. off Brandywine Rd. to Tarrytown St. including Roxbury Ln. Fuel reduction activities like these have been part of an ongoing project since 2008. A notice will go out to adjacent homes beginning in June.
In recent months, the HRD Board of Directors was contacted by a group of Highlands residents inquiring about the status of the 99 acres of property owned by the Chamberlain Group and whether there was an opportunity for the District to acquire the land and preserve the open space. At a Board Meeting on January 7, 2021 public comment was received and the topic was discussed by the Highlands Recreation District Board of Directors. The Board expressed an interest in resuming the open space discussion and established an Ad Hoc Open Space Committee to study the matter further. While there were previous discussions between the District, the Chamberlain Group, and the County about the possible transfer of the remaining parcel of land after the Chamberlain development of 11 homes was completed, no formal agreements were made.
Recently, the District was in touch with Chamberlain’s representative and was informed that the owner has decided to retain control of the land at this time. The District will continue to monitor the progress of development and engage with the Chamberlain group when appropriate.
Parks Make Life Better!
Derek Schweigart
General Manager