A Message from the General Manager
This year the District is focused on the development of its facilities master plan which seeks to prioritize various facility upgrades like the Highlands Pool and pool house, extend the useful life of existing buildings, make improvements where feasible to better meet programming needs, identify funding mechanisms, and is responsive to community needs. The District wants to hear from Highlands residents to better inform the plan and collaborate on creative solutions to address the changing needs of the community. If you are interested in learning more or participating in the process, please email me at generalmanager@highlandsrec.ca.gov for more information.
This spring the District expects to break ground on the HRD Playground and Sports Court Renovation project which is funded by Proposition 68 and the District. The project provides several improvements to the playground and sports court including new park amenities such as drinking fountains, benches, a group picnic area, new playground equipment and an additional basketball court. Look for these new amenities soon.
You should be receiving your Spring/Summer Activity Guide in the mail in the coming week with resident registration starting March 7 and non-residents on March 14. There is much to look forward to this spring and summer at the Rec. The spring brings expanded hours and class offerings at the Highlands Pool including the return of private swim lessons and lifeguard training for those interested in becoming a lifeguard hopefully for us here at the Rec! On April 16, the amazing Eggstravaganza event is making its return after a 2-year hiatus during the pandemic. You won’t want to miss it. For parents with children, the Rec will offer its popular spring break camp over spring recess March 28 to April 8. There are many others including art, chess, Legos and theater. Parents can start planning now for your child’s summer camp enjoyment as summer camp registration begins now.
Derek Schweigart
General Manager